Context Committee

Thursdays 6:00-7:00pm, Rapson 56

Who We Are

The non-technical aspect of engineering is critically important, and that is why the Context Committee exists. We discuss the non-technical, ethical, social, justice, and political aspects of engineering. We learn and discuss with others on how we can improve as engineers and as humans, such as making hard decisions, conflict resolution, what exactly it means to be in Engineers Without Borders, and much more. We are currently creating a travel guide to help prepare the travel team, and are creating a blog for others to learn more about the discussions we have in our meetings.


CC Blogs

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CC Blogs


The Use of Cultural Wealth and Humility During Travel


Joining an Engineering Club from a Non-Engineer Perspective

Traveling Internationally for an Engineering Project

Rondo Blog

Engineers' Obligation and Responsibility to Their Communities

In Favor of the Design-Build Approach

Navigating Perspectives Beyond Voluntourism in Community Development

Exploring Toxic Partnerships Relavent to EWB
