Pilgrim Baptist Church Garden, St. Paul

Times: Wednesdays 7:00-8:30PM,  Bruininks Hall 114


The Pilgrim's Community Church was first started in 1868, and was later relocated to it's current location in St. Paul in 1925. In 2012, the Church created the Pilgrims Community Garden to "raise awareness for underused private land as well as to provide a space for church members and neighbors to connect through gardening". There are plots both large and small in the Garden, making for spaces for both individuals and church communities. it is designed to be a place where people of different backgrounds can come to learn, share, and harvest with one another.

Our Work

Currently, the EWB- USA University of Minnesota Chapter is actively promoting our goal at the Pilgrim Baptist Church Community Garden by engaging with the community. This has included starting our own garden plot in the community garden. So far, we’ve successfully grown radishes and tomatoes! Having our own plot in the garden established a relationship with community members; we’ve learned valuable lessons about how to best take care of our plants from fellow gardeners and are greatly thankful for the opportunity to engage with the community prior to project implementation.

Where We Are
